tool gamejam windows

I created a few tools for generating better screen time lapses for game jams. My main motivation was the fact I have 3 4k screens and I wanted to stack screens in a grid formation instead fo a really thin bar. Capture Tool As the name suggests this tool captures screenshots of all your screens as you work and saves them into a folder. Video Generator This tool will let you convert the snapshot created with the Capture tool into video files.
powershell security

If you ever find the need to create a random password there is actually a part of .NET that can do it for you. You can all it from PowerShell with the following 2 lines: using assembly System.Web [System.Web.Security.Membership]::GeneratePassword(8,1) The way this function works is pretty simple. OverloadDefinitions ------------------- static string GeneratePassword(int length, int numberOfNonAlphanumericCharacters) As you can see the first parameter is how long the password is and the second is how many non alphanumeric characters to use.

This is a simple module which makes running the same set of tasks over and over again as simple as pressing the enter key. The idea is to help developers (and sysadmins) stay in the zone when coding and reduce the friction to complete a task. How to install: Run the following from an elevated powershell console. install-module shotgun Example 1: Copying data to usb sticks. Say you have 20 usb sticks that you need to copy a bunch of files on to.

If you have ever had to deal with long file paths on Windows you will know that there is a limit of 260 characters. To make matters worse this limit only applies to some tools and there are plenty of situations where path lengths will go over this limit (yes roaming profile shares I am looking at you). To work around the problem previously you had to map network drives deep into a folder structure or use a tool that did support long file paths like RoboCopy.

Vendoring is where you create a standalone script that contains a copy of all of the modules it uses. This is useful for situations where you don’t know the state of the target machine and want to make sure the script runs with specific versions of modules. This is typically useful for a 3rd party service provider when providing scripts for a customer to run. When not to use vendoring? Whenever possible I would recommend avoiding vendoring.