GitHub Project Graveyard


Introduction So I decided to look at my presense online and I realised that I have been neglecting my GitHub a lot. I don’t have a profile and I have lots and lots of old projects that I have no intention of maintaining. I could just delete a heap of my old modules but I thought some people might still get some use out of them. So instead of just archiving them and leaving them lying around I decieded to create a github project graveyard.
sysinternals file io

I am sure you all have run into the problem where you want to either delete, rename or move a file but you get the dreaded file in use error. What is more annoying is when you can’t find out what is using it and release it. Sysinternals Handle The first and easiest tool to use to determine what has a file open is handle.exe from sysinterals. You can download it from here.

VB.NET Cheat Sheet

I have been working with VB.NET a lot recently and as I haven’t used it in many years ran into a whole heap of differences between it and C#. So to help with this I have created a cheat sheet of how to do different things between c# and VB.NET. I will keep adding stuff to this as I find them. Comments c#: // line comment /* block comment */ VB.

If you ever have the situation where you have a large complicated repository that you need to migrate from one host to another and you think easy, I will just check it out and push it to the new host. Then you realise it has a heap of branches and tags that you want to keep. WARNING: Do not do this over an existing repository as it will wipe out everything in there when it pushes.
windowsupdate patch powershell

The following is a script which will apply all available Windows Updates that a system requires. Perfect for adding to a lab build script or to manage a small number of servers. If you are going to patch a Windows 7 system however please look at the section at the bottom of the page as there are a few gotchas. How to use The script is simple enough to use, you just run it with: