I have got a few questions around the workflow I used when looking for a new job so I thought I would create a blog entry on a process that has worked for me in the past.
This is by no means the only way you can do it and I suggest customising it to meet your needs.
Setup First thing you need to do is create a new board on Trello.
Have you ever run into the situation where you need to deploy an exe file but you can only push an msi. An easy solution to work around this problem is called creating a stub MSI.
A stub msi is a simple msi package that will run a command line on install and uninstall.
Setting up Before you get started you are going to need a few things.
WIX Toolkit The first thing you are going to need is the Wix Toolkit.
If you have ever needed to find files which contain specific text in them it is really easy to do with PowerShell.
You can do so with the following command:
Get-ChildItem "C:\path\to\folder" -recurse | Where-Object { (Get-Content $_) -like '*TextToFind*' } | Select-Object { $_.FullName} This will return a list of all files that have TextToFind in it (replace with whatever you want to look up).
Here are a list of operations I find useful for dealing with windows activation from the console.
CSCRIPT instead of WSCRIPT One thing that might start to get annoying is slmgr.vbs is a VBScript. What this means is when you run it, it is going to put up a heap of message boxes.
To avoid this you can change the default WHS runner to cscript instead of wscript. To do that run the following command from an elevated command prompt:
Changing file permissions with PowerShell is not to difficult but not as straight forward as you would think. Listed below are how to do some common activities.
Adding permissions to an object. $path = "c:\myfolder" #Replace with whatever file you want to do this to. $user = "mydomain\myuseraccount" #User account to grant permisions too. $Rights = "Read, ReadAndExecute, ListDirectory" #Comma seperated list. $InheritSettings = "Containerinherit, ObjectInherit" #Controls how permissions are inherited by children $PropogationSettings = "None" #Usually set to none but can setup rules that only apply to children.