War of the band

War of the band

You are stuck in an endless war to control Band Co the worlds best elastic band company. Will you be the one to keep control of this company or will you be just another one in the end less loop of take overs.

Ludum Dare 47 Godot

You are stuck in an endless war to control Band Co the worlds best elastic band company. Will you be the one to keep control of this company or will you be just another one in the end less loop of take overs.

You need to shoot enemies with elastic bands while avoiding them being shot back at you.

Be careful with your ammo supply and pick up more ammo in boxes around the level.

This is a simple ray casting game I crated in c++. Pretty happy with how it turned out despite a few bugs.


  • - Arrows to move
  • - Ctrl to shoot
  • - Alt Use/Open


